Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Trip Down Memory Lane (aka my Mother's Washer & Dryer)

If I didn't know better, I would have sworn my mother decorated/furnished this house.

This is the same model washer and dryer we had when I was a kid.  Sears Kenmore.  And these still work like a champ.  I sold them on Craiglist last weekend for $25.  (I should also add that I hate my new, very fancy Sears Kenmore washer, maybe I should have kept this one!!!)

This was our kitchen shelf lining paper that I grew up with.  Harvest Gold and Burnt Orange.  Do people still use Contact paper for lining shelves?

A couple of the cabinet doors have these handles - you push the button in to open them.  I remember something like that,  but I think it's from a car door!!!

This is the kitchen floor.  We didn't have this particular pattern.  But my mom probably gave it some thought.  So here's my question.  Can anyone name that pattern?  We don't actually have any prizes for a contest (unless you'd like a SoPo Cottage T-shirt!) but we'd be really, really impressed if you know what it is!!!

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  1. My mother had the same shelf paper and the same cabinet handles! I remember the floor but not the name of it.


    1. Small world! I think Contact sold a LOT of that paper. And this looked like it was brand new!!!

  2. Have my faithful kenmore dryer and extra capacity washer passed down to the cottage from the house. They work so much better than my new front loaders in the house I want them back.

    1. Those old machines were great! But I'd forgotten how small they were inside.....I do like the capacity of my new machine!

  3. We had that same linoleum growing up! I used to know the name but for some reason, it escapes me.

  4. I'm pretty sure everyone had that washer/dryer combo growing up! I still line my shelves with contact paper but only because the cabinet shelves have had shelf paper on them for so long that there's a permanent infusion of contact adhesive on there so it must be covered. Yick. I want to say that linoleum pattern had some Spanish flair going on, like Hacienda Gold or VeraCruz Rust or something?? My mom dropped a glass casserole on ours and shards of molten glass melted into it, so sadly it had to be replaced recently lol.

  5. I've tried doing a bunch of google searches to find the pattern....and found a lot of them that are similar, but not quite the same! But it's amazing to me how many houses still have those floors and they're in great shape. But molten glass, wow, that's a good reason the replace the floor!


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