Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Made in the USA

As we've put this house back together again, I've been pleasantly surprised with how many of the products are made in the United States.  Frankly, I thought a lot would come from low cost manufacturing locations around the world.  But in reality, a lot of products were made in the US - particularly the big ticket items!  Here's the breakdown:

-  Martha Stewart Kitchen Cabinets - made in North Carolina.  No wonder they could make them and ship them to us so quickly!

-  Windows - Certainteed Windows

-  Therma Tru Exterior Doors - Butler, Indiana

-  Drywall - Georgia Pacific

-  Subway Tile for Kitchen & Bathroom


Original light fixtures.....I love this 'Union Made' sticker on the inside!

And from our neighbors to the north (aka Canada):

-  Interior Doors 

-  Granite Fabrication

Pretty cool, don't you think?  Would you have guessed this much was made in the US?

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1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed! That is quite a bit that is USA made.


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