Thursday, October 11, 2012

Before the Snow Flies.......Landscaping

Limelight Hydrangea
It's gotten a lot colder this week, which has us rushing to get the outdoor work finished.  They're expecting snow in northern Maine tonight, but hopefully we won't see any for awhile (of course we had that big Halloween storm last year). We've made huge progress this week, as we check off our exterior 'to do' list!  The team from Lawn Enforcement came to our aid to help us get everything done.

Arbor - We got the picket fence and arbor up next to the house.  I LOVE it!  It really helps define the space and adds a cottagey look to the yard.  I found a beautiful climbing rose to plant next to it, which should look fabulous next year.

Borders & Plantings -  I marked out the shrub border with my favorite technique - I lay out a garden hose and tweak it until I'm happy with the shape.  Then I trace the shape with  spray paint.  Once I planted the new trees and shrubs, Emily edged the border and mulched it for me.  This is a great time of year to find deals at your local nursery.  I found beautiful hydrangeas on sale.  This Quickfire tree Hydrangea is a perfect planting.  It will only get 6 feet tall, but will have these beautiful red flowers each year.

Quick Fire Hydrangea
Walkway - John and his tractor made quick work of removing the broken concrete path and replaced it with this stepping stone walkway.  The stones are surrounded by pea gravel, which makes a nice resilient path.  And it gives such a natural look to the front entrance.

Herb Garden - John installed a small raised bed  next to the back door.  It's not a big space, but it's perfect for parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme plants!

We can't quite believe that the outside is almost done, just a few more finishing touches.  Now we need to finish the interior!  Be sure and 'like' us on Facebook, I'll be sharing some sneak peeks in the new week.

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  1. I'm definitely not ready for any snow yet!

    1. Me either! Although I did have to start dragging some sweaters out from storage.....sigh.....winter is coming.....

  2. Wow! I just came across your site tonight. You do beautiful work!
    Just wanted to say, great choice in that QuickFire Hydrangea! We have one in our front flowerbed and we LOVE it. So beautiful...starts out almost white and by autumn, it's a purple-red. So pretty.

    1. So funny you say that, because when I was buying it, they had several at the nursery and I was trying to decide which one I wanted. They had such a range of colors, I thought maybe some of them were mislabeled. But I guess it depended how new the blooms were! Thanks for the tip!



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