Tuesday, March 2, 2021

The Garage Conundrum

This is winter in Maine.  And this has actually been a pretty mild winter, with less snow than usual.

I suppose if you live somewhere warmer, you wouldn't feel the need for a garage quite as much as we do here.  But it's a bit of a luxury here, that most Maine homeowners want.

This is the garage at the bungalow.  That's not your imagination, it leans - a lot!  The garage door won't work (because of the angle and rotted sections of wood) and a couple of the windows are broken. And it's small - even if you could open the door and get your car in, you probably couldn't open the doors easily.....unless you're driving a mini-Cooper or something similar.

The door is stuck in that position 😂

It's also only a few feet from the house, which means a lousy view to the backyard from the French doors in the dining room 

There is a beautiful backyard with giant rhododendrons.....but the garage blocks it!

and a narrow alley between the deck and the garage.

And it's blocking a pretty fabulous backyard that's bordered by amazing, giant rhododendrons - that are covered in giant buds.  I can't wait until spring when they all start to bloom, it's going to be spectacular.  But sadly, you can't see them because they're hidden behind the ugly garage.

So here is the conundrum, do we spend money to fix it up?  It won't be cheap and we'd have to take money from another area of the budget.  And I'm not sure how useful it is.  Or do we just tear it down?  I'd honestly like to rebuild it a bit farther away, but I'm pretty sure that's not in the budget.  

So what's your vote?  Should it stay (and sell as-is) or should it go? 

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  1. Is there anyway you can tear it down and build a new one connected to the house without blocking the view?

    1. Our budget can’t handle rebuilding. It really can’t connect to the house with all the zoning rules - but you could build a new one that wouldn’t sit in the middle of the yard!

  2. Laurel, I saw a car port in Westbrook that may be a solution. It provided ample protection from rain, sun, and snow while allowing you to see through to their well landscaped yard. If someone would like to finish it in the future, the structure is there to add walls. Check it out:20 Temple St

  3. If I should return to Maine, I'd put an attached garage on my Must Have list. This one, though, should go. It's not functional, as is, and blocks the view. If the budget allows, I'd add a garden shed and place it so it doesn't obstruct the view. I trust you'll figure it out!

    1. I keep thinking a shed would be really nice. And there is room to build a garage in the future if they want to.

    2. Yup, this is what I was gonna say. Garages have such value here in Maine, but a one-car, detached garage is really just a storage shed. Tear it down, add a cute garden shed in the corner of the lot and enjoy the view.

  4. It’s gotta go! The buyer could look into carport options instead.

  5. I agree that it should go if it cannot be repaired, but here in Maine it sure is nice to have a garage or at least a carport.

  6. If you can't rebuild, but you also can't use it... Tear it down for the parts for a shed or something that doesn't require taking up the yard.

  7. Tear it down! Build a car port instead from any salvageable material- it can keep snow off the car and be connected to the house by a covered walk way.

    1. The buyer could certainly decide what they would want to build!

  8. I think it's got to go. You are going to finish this house and it is going to look amazing, like always. I worry that this shack will devalue the property because it just looks so bad.

  9. As Joan Crawford said https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYcxXsFQscA

  10. Blow it up like Trump's Taj Mahal Hotel in Atlantic City.
    No seriously. It's got to go. It is a distraction. As you mentioned it is too small to be functional.

  11. I would keep it. I live in Michigan so I know the love/need of outdoor garages/storage/sheds. Even if you can't park in it, still need a spot for snow blower, lawn mower, etc. Is there a way once it's fixed up to maybe soften the view from the house? Maybe a pretty trellis on that side of the garage to grow greenery?


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