Thursday, June 9, 2016

Lush Landscape - a Place to Relax and Enjoy the Beauty of Nature

Everyone comments on the curb appeal of this home - but how many realize the impact landscaping has on this property?  Have you heard the Edith Wharton quote - "to escape, to enjoy, to behold our own patch of beauty and pleasure"?  This property does just that, the landscaping creates a bit of an oasis, a place to get away from our technology laden world and enjoy a bit of nature.

At almost a quarter acre (huge by Willard Beach standards!) the yard is pretty extraordinary.  So maybe I shouldn't have been surprised to find a box with multiple landscape plans in the attic.  Including some by the who's who of Maine landscape designers (Ted Carter for example).  The previous homeowner told me she took the best of all these designs and ultimately created her own approach.  And it is just beautiful!
Photo from last fall with everything leafed out

As spring has unfolded, I've been delighted to see the constant bloom of perennial flowers.  Starting with the phlox, we had lush blossoms cascading over the stone walls.

Now the bleeding hearts are blooming.

And the irises,

                                         and there are beautiful pink weigela blossoms next to the front door.

The side yard has bright white spirea blooms dressing up the yard.

The Viburnum are just starting to blossom - literally covered in white blooms.

The geraniums are blooming in bright little clumps throughout the yard.

I love the rock garden, nestled in next to the steps to the deck.
Stone staircase leading from driveway to back deck
And still to come?  The peonies are huge and covered with buds, so they should be beautiful.  And the rugosa rose hedge across the front is just now starting to bloom.  There are coral bells and artemisia that should be blooming soon.  And there are even more flowering shrubs - including multiple types of hydrangeas that promise to have blooms through the summer.

The clematis that is draped around the mailbox is full of giant buds.  I can't wait to see what color they will be!

And lets not forget the hostas and other beautiful foilage plants that dot the landscape.

But the thing that really strikes me about this?  It's a beautiful lush landscape, but takes very little upkeep.  I had a gardener come spend two days working around the yard, weeding and trimming things back.  And that's been the only yard work so far this year.   These are established plants that simply come back year after year.
View from the deck
The irrigation company came out this week to do a tune up of the system.  With a multi zone watering system, we're ready for whatever Mother Nature brings us this summer.

What a great property for a future owner!

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