Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Creating a Primary Suite in a 150 Year Old House

 We rarely get to create a 'modern' Primary Suite in an old house.  Bedrooms are typically small and cramped and if we manage to squeeze in an additional half bath, we congratulate ourselves. 😂

That's why this house is so unusual.  We started with a 4 bedroom, 1 bath home.  But the way the rooms were arranged, it was a perfect setup to swap one small bedroom to become a bathroom and closet.  

Before Floor Plan

To-Be Floor Plan

Plus, we had this funky little 8x8 foot room that will become a unique little sitting area (plus some nice storage).  It appears to have originally been a walk in closet from the hallway - but when we opened up the wall, we loved how it brought additional light into the bedroom and we decided it had to be part of the Primary Suite.

Look at how much it's changed!
It seems so much bigger, even though it's still a very small space.

It's so much fun to see it all coming together!  

But we had some nasty surprises.  The second floor bedrooms all have pine floors.  That's pretty typical - the first floor has the fancy woodwork and the second floor is much more basic.

However, when we tore up the carpets in the newly opened spaces, we discovered the pine floors were in bad shape - and because we were incorporating multiple rooms, it presented a lot of challenges to try and piecemeal the flooring.

So we made the difficult decision to install new flooring in the hallway and primary suite.  It will certainly be nice to unify the spaces, but I'm still sad to say goodbye to the 150 year old floors.

The space is coming together!  Can you start to see how it will look?

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  1. The space looks lovely but I'm confused about why you are going to have 2 bathrooms on the second floor when there is only 1 bedroom.

    1. That’s because I only showed one side of the 2nd floor (the font gets tiny if I show it all). There are two additional bedrooms.

  2. This will be such a unique house! I really appreciate how y’all work with the existing space and don’t try to modernize all the quirks out!
    What do y’all do with stuff like this old flooring? It must be expensive to clean it up but seems such a waste to dump it!

    1. My ‘go to’ place for donations is Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore. If it something they don’t want, I out it on Facebook Marketplace. I have to see anything thrown out!


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