Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The Time Capsule

Circa 1985 - Gambrel as originally designed.  The bushes are so tiny!
The previous owner was kind enough to leave a photo album showing the major renovation they made to the gambrel.  In 1987, they made a large addition with a living room and master bedroom.
1987 Addition
 They also did a dramatic update of the kitchen - which was surely the envy of the neighborhood in the 80's!  A peninsula with cabinets and a soffit above it, ceramic tile countertops and lots of dark wood.  The height of fashion!

The hiding place - under the floor boards
And while all this work was done, the previous owner said his daughters had buried some sort of time capsule, that they would love to see again.   So as the demo guys were finishing up, we pulled up the floorboard between the original house and new addition.  

And sure enough, as we dug around under there, we found these two envelopes.

Adorable?  Don't you think?

I promptly sent a note to the previous owner and he drove up the next day to pick them up (I thought he should be the one to open them!).   And we weren't disappointed.  They really are sweet.  The first envelope contained a letter:  

Page 1
Dear who is reading this.  My name is Emily.  I put this here year 

Page 2  1987.  I HOPE you like living Here.  This is a mystery to Me.  I don’t know you 

Page 3  and you don’t know me.  I won’t know what year it is.  This nook is dusty.  

Page 4  Ah, ah-CHOO!!!! boy!  I have a sister named Ellen.  

Page 5  I’m very tall.  I have short hair and glasses  I like to create stories.  I also like to talk to myself.  


Isn't that cute?  I'm so glad we found it.  The other envelope included a drawings (obviously from little sister Ellen)  A nice bit of history, that will go back to their authors (who are now in their 30's!).  

It makes me think everyone should bury their own time capsule!  What a great idea!


  1. how fun! I think I will do this with my own kiddos

  2. My parents did that--slipped a note or letter behind a fireplace mantel in the row house in Albany, NY they renovated in the late 70s. I wonder if anyone has found it yet.

    1. Wouldn't it be fun if if someone found it now?
