Wednesday, April 15, 2015

What Kind of View do We Have?

Let the rebuilding begin!!!

We were excited to get the building started, but Mother Nature didn't want to help out.  We had record breaking rain, that kept dumping water into our giant hole of a basement.  Once the guys finished pumping it out for umpteenth time, we finally got to start.

First step was to pour the new footings for the foundation where the old kitchen had been (remember in the previous post?  The old one literally fell down!).

Then they started framing.  Which is usually a very quick process.  But in this case, it was a whole lot trickier than they thought!  The original foundation wasn't exactly square and created a lot more challenge to build on than the guys anticipated.  But after lots of adjustments, the building started to go up.

First Wall Going Up!
Richard was dying to help out with raising the walls.  But it turned out to be a pretty simple two man job (aka, they didn't want his help!).

What we really wanted to see, was what our views would be.  We knew we had a peek of water on the first floor ( between the islands through Whitehead Passage) and had planned the windows to capture it.

But we were more curious about the view from the upper floors.   I was never brave enough to stand on the roof of the old house, but Richard had been up there and thought they would be really nice.  Once we build up to the 3rd floor, we were pretty sure it would be an unobstructed view.

So when the day came, we couldn't wait to get there.  We even brought lawn chairs to sit and enjoy the view!  And it didn't disappoint.  Insisting on a design that included a 3rd floor deck was worth it - look at that view!

View to the south east

Or course there was still a long way to go, but we were thrilled with the progress and couldn't wait to enjoy the view!!


  1. GORGEOUS view!

  2. It appears there is a house behind you. Was there any kind of issue with blocking a view they may have had (or have) with adding a third story? Are there any steps you would have to take in that case?

  3. The house next to us is closer to the water and actually has better views than we do! However 6 months after we finished our place, someone bought the empty lot down the hill, which impacted all of our views. There are no view ordinances in our town.

  4. Ugh. That's too bad. That must be really frustrating.
